VAMOS Ecosystem at Teknologia 23 Fair

Teknologia 23 is a comprehensive event for industry and technology professionals taking place 7.-9.11.2023 at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre. You’re welcome to meet VAMOS Ecosystem at our stand 7c148 with other DIMECC services.

Future Technologies: To market faster and better together through ecosystems
How your company grows a business that is just developing internationally? Panelists from start-ups to corporates discuss how being a part of an ecosystem helps them to minimize technology and business risks. Pre-commercial cooperation offers an open and safe environment to co-innovate, share resources, execute RDI projects and sketch future directions – even between competitors. Approaching an evolving market and influencing regulation and standards is easier jointly. For competitive minds with a competition!
Presenters: Tomi Kankainen, Chief Business Development Officer, DIMECC Ltd and panelists from various companies
Time: 9.11.2023 12:00 – 12:45
Place: Tech Corner by FFPA ry and FIRPA ry

Supporting sustainable growth – DIMECC EU services
Come hear more about what DIMECC can offer you regarding upskilling and reskilling possibilities, sustainability reporting, as well as business development (including digitalization and scaling up). Powered by EU funding, we aim to offer a wide range of services to support both the workforce and industry in today’s ever-changing market. We look forward to meeting you at Teknologia 23!
Presenters Doris Pryjma, Manager, EU Relations & Collaboration with the DIMECC EU Team: Clementine Arpiainen, Lisbet Frey, Medha Gupta and Eija Syrjämäki
Time: 9.11.2023 12:45 – 13:30
Place: Tech Corner by FFPA ry and FIRPA ry

”Näin tekoäly ja robotiikka muuttavat työelämää – valmistavan teollisuuden kokemuksia”
Presenter: Harri Kulmala, CEO
Time: 9.11.2023 13:30 – 14:00
Place: MX System Stage